English Time


The English specialization class is very popular in our school - English is popular all over the world!


The rule for homework clubs is changing: when don't have classes and you don't go home, your duty is go
to the homework clubs!

                                                                                       Nóra Takács/ Sára Vincze

Jokes in English

What do sea monsters eat for lunch?
Fish and Chips.

Two balloons are floating. One balloon says to the other: 'Look out for the cactusssssssss!'

Why is six afraid of seven?
Because seven ate nine.

                                                                                                         Kristóf Telekes

Our School Yard

In 2015 we got a renewed school yard!
It's very beautiful now. In the garden the students can talk when they sit on the benches. They can play
games like football, basketball, hide and see and tig. You can play Pacs-pacs too, but the garden is also
good to study for your next exam or test. Every student wants to hear the bell and runs to the door and gets
out of the building after classes. The schoolyard is the best place to talk and hang out. We think everybody
likes the yard except when it's winter. If it's raining or snowing the teachers don't allow the students to get
out of the school building to go to the garden. In summer and spring the weather is the best.

                                                            Görög Vanda/ Daniel Leitert/ Patrik Bakos

Mobile phones in the school

Some schools allow students to use their phone. And some schools allow students to use their cell phones
in class. But many children use their hand phones (handies) only to play games.
Students! Please don't use your phones for playing games so much!

                                                                                  Márk Tóth /Bálint Dubravcsik

Events at Vásárhelyi

1/ The annual Vásárhelyi running race was on the 25th of March. The race was very exciting. We really
enjoyed it.

2 / Secret friend
On the occasion of Christmas, we give some presents to our classmates. There were a lot of nice surprises!

3 / Kiszebáb égetés
This is a special event, because this event is just in Hungary in February. Goodbye winter, welcome spring!

                                                                          Márkó Gyapjas/ Zsombor Baranyi

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